Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Commenting Issues

Trying to comment here at From the Pew?  Several commenters (myself included while trying to comment on my own blog!) have had a difficult time commenting.  It seems that Blogger has made some people try to prove they aren't spambots before allowing a comment.  Wordpress is having issues, too, as they apparently require logging in with an already existing Gravatar account.  What is going on in the blogging world?

If any of my readers can try to comment on this post (or send me an email to fromthepew [at] yahoo [dot] com if you are unable to comment) I would appreciate it.  Thanks!


  1. This is a comment. This is only a comment. This comment may, or may not be posted at the blog wizards whim....

    1. I had to sign in on my Google account, then mumble the appropriate words for the comment to be posted....

  2. Let's see if this works ...

    1. Yep.

      I disabled the extra step of typing out the letters to prove I'm not a robot on my blogspot account. I think this makes it too cumbersome for folk to comment, and I figure if I get any span I'll just delete it :-).

  3. Thanks for adding some comments. It appears to work, although a little less easy than it used to be.
