Thursday, August 05, 2010

On Making Either/Or from Both or Neither

I've written a bit before on the deceitfulness of sin.  One of the ways I've noted how sin works is that it often sets itself up against itself and begs us to choose between them.  We are given two wrong choices and told to make a choice.  Not like being given a choice between the lesser of two evils as we often have to do in an election.  We know both are evil and our vote becomes damage control at best.  But it's when we're persuaded that because there are two choices, one of them needs to be right.  It's as if what's right is never mentioned, let alone as a choice.

A related dilemma that I haven't mentioned before is when two right things are put at odds with each other and we're told to make a choice.  It's when we're persuaded that because there are two choices, one of them needs to be wrong.  It's when we're told we can't have both.  In an upcoming post, I'll give a good example.

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