Friday, April 02, 2010

Friday Night Potpourri

Brain freeze this week:

  • In school I learned that a Slurpee is a slurry. Any connection, marketing wise? Would the 7-Eleven crowd get it?
  • Wood. 'Round my parts, there are many subdivisions built in the 60's and 70's where many/most of the street names end in "wood." Almost any thinkable word is placed in front of wood to create a street name. What's "Thornwood?" "Ironwood?" "Maplewood?" Isn't maplewood just maple? Maybe Gene has an idea.
  • Hey, you got your Easter egg in my cream cheese! And you got cream cheese on my Easter egg.... Okay, I'll quit while I'm ahead. I was co-opping in pre-school today. Yum.
  • Last week it was 80. A friend reports snow on the mountain yesterday. Only in spring here. And as I understand it, it can snow in Denver in the summer.
  • Opening Day in baseball is on Monday. Well, I know there should be a game Sunday night on national television, but I haven't checked the listings. Play Ball!, I say.
  • When you make four trips to the hardware store to buy variations of the same thing with the same crew on shift, you feel like an idiot. Not to mention broke.
  • When music was a little more innocent than today. One of my faves from the decade of my birth. Note: this song at 3:00 was the long, unedited album version.


  1. Maple Wood would probably be a Woods or maple trees.

    Thornwood is a type of wood.

    And Ironwood is a valuable tree in the north central USA. Ostrya virginina.

    Slow growing and elegant.

  2. Thanks, Gene. How about Spoonwood?

  3. Spoonwood actually does exist. I wikied. How about that?

  4. Gene, all you're doing is showing me how lazy I am. The two-edged sword of comment sections. :)
